Our new puppies:

"Snicks" Shaman's Snickers Bar

Joined Sherry Creighton & Rosie at age 5 months. She's a brown and tan Cocker Spaniel.

 Cocker Spaniel





"Bernie" BARC's I'm No Saint Bernard

A 6-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog joins

Lisa & Rick's pack.

Bernese Mountain Dog



"Lucy" BARC's Tejas Sweetheart

 Pat Tackett

Lucy is a BARC rescue from Amish puppy farmer out of Ohio from Hungarian stock. BARC is the Bernese Auction Rescue Coalition that has saved over 300 dogs since 2001 from puppy mills.

Bernese Mountain Dog





"Zing" Sunsplash Ute StartYourEngin

Sally Sherman

Zing is just what her name says: a zingy bundle of puppy energy!




Golden Retriever






The Performance Girls (Rosie, File and Gumbo) await their chance to show off at a recent demonstration.

Cocker Spaniel and Border Collies





Tara takes time off from guarding the Agility Trial Secretaries office for a photo op.









"Pat's Carolers" Tex, Diver and Molly.



Bernese Mountain Dog, Cocker Spaniel and Sheltie mix










Not to be outdone, Allegro (the horse) joins Parker and Summer.









Bev's Herky visits a friend.










Carol Duncan's pack: (back to front)

Driver, Scruffy, Brownie, Gabe & Doogie






Shaq in one of his advertising photos.

Golden Retriever